What Wondrous Love is This? is a collection of hymn arrangements for harp and solo instrument and is intended to provide a variety of repertoire appropriate for a worship setting throughout the liturgical year. The text for each hymn can be found preceding the arrangement. The music in this book is written at an intermediate to late-intermediate difficulty and is playable on pedal and lever harps. The solo parts can be played on a variety of single line instruments . The violin and flute are particularly effective in combination with the harp, but they are by no means the only instruments that should be used.
This Is My Father’s World For the Beauty of the Earth The Heavens Declare Thy Glory When I Survey the Wondrous Cross What Wondrous Love Is This? Were You There? Let All Things Now Living Be Thou My Vision It Is Well with My Soul Thou Who Was Rich Beyond All Splendour Of the Father’s Love Begotten What Child Is This? The Coventry Carol Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Masters in This Hall